Can Python Send Text Messages?

In the digital modern era, communication has become easier than before. Alongside some traditional methods of communication, like phone calls and emails, texts have gained more popularity. Text messages provide a very quick and efficient way to convey information, making them the best choice for many individuals and different businesses. Python, a versatile, easy, and powerful programming language all the time, offers different tools and many libraries that enable send text messages programmatically. In this our first post, we will try to explain everything that how Python can be used to send text messages and discuss the general and some important steps and provide you with some practical examples to help you get started.

Table of Contents

Python Programming language is a versatile and easy, and powerful programming language. And it is known for simplicity of syntax and readability. It offers lots of libraries and modules that empower developers to automate tasks and build powerful applications. Sending text messages programmatically is one such task that Python can handle efficiently. By utilizing SMS gateways and APIs provided by various service providers, developers can integrate SMS functionality into their Python applications.

Understanding SMS Gateways

Before we get start the sending text messages by using Python, it is more important to know about SMS gateways first. The SMS gateways work like a bridge between a computer or a application and mobile network, It is enable the transmission of messages. These gateways usually require an API key or credentials to authenticate the sender.

Setting Up the Environment

By using Python Programming language to send text messages to different SMS gateways, you need to set up your development environment on your system. And We assume that you have already installed Python on your system. If it is not, then you can follow up some tutorials on YouTube or you can search on the google and visit the official Python website and download the latest version and compatible with your operating system. Once Python is installed, we need to install some necessary libraries for sending SMS.

Installing Required Libraries

To interact with SMS gateways and send text messages, you’ll need to install some specific Python libraries. The most popular ones include Twilio, Nexmo, Plivo, Fast2SMS, Textlocal, and boto3 for Amazon SNS. These libraries provide APIs and functionalities to send SMS using their respective platforms. You can install these libraries by using the commands which are listed below:

Sending SMS with Twilio

Twilio is the most popular cloud communications platform that provides APIs for sending and receiving text messages. The following example explain is how to send SMS using Twilio in Python:

					#required libraries
pip install twilio
pip install nexmo
pip install plivo
pip install fast2sms
pip install textlocal
pip install boto3
					from import Client 
account_sid = 'Your-Accout-SID' auth_token = 'Your-Auth-Token' 
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token) 
message = client.messages.create( body='Hello from web-spidy!', from_='Your-Twilio-Phone-Number', to='Recipient-Phone-Number' ) 

In the above code, replace these values with your Twilio account information ‘Your-Account-SID’,Your-Auth-Token’, ‘ Your-Twilio-Phone-Number’, and ‘Recipient-Phone-Number’. This code sends a message containing the message “Hello from web-spidy!” from Twilio phone number to the recipient phone number.

Sending SMS with Nexmo

Nexmo is another most useable platform for SMS communication. To send an SMS using Nexmo in Python, follow these  simple steps:

  1. Sign up for a Nexmo account and get your API key and secret.
  2. You need to Install the nexmo library in Python using the command ‘pip install nexmo’.
  3. Add the following code to send an SMS by using Python:
					import nexmo 
client = nexmo.Client(key='Your-API-Key', secret='Your-API-Secret') 
response = client.send_message({ 'from': ' Your-Nexmo-Phone-Number', 'to': 'Recipient-Phone-Number', 'text': 'Hello from Web-Spidy!' }) 


Put ‘Your-API-Key’, ‘Your-API-Secret’, ‘Your-Nexmo-Phone-Number’, and ‘Recipient-Phone-Number’ which you have already got from Nexmo account. This code sends a text message “Hello from Web-Spidy!” from your Nexmo phone number to the recipient phone number.

Sending SMS with Plivo

Plivo is a cloud-based communication platform that offers SMS APIs for sending text messages. To send an SMS using Plivo in Python, follow the following steps:

  1. Sign up for a Plivo account and get your auth ID and auth token.
  2. You need to Install the plivo library using this command ‘pip install plivo’.
  3. Use the following code to send an SMS by using Python:
					import plivo 
client = plivo.RestClient(auth_id='AUTH-ID ', auth_token='AUTH-TOKEN') 
response = client.messages.create( src='Plivo Phone Number', dst='Recipient Phone Number', text='Hello from Web-Spidy!' ) 


Replace these values ‘AUTH_ID’, ‘AUTH_TOKEN’, ‘Plivo Phone Number’, and ‘Recipient Phone Number’ with the appropriate values. This code sends a text message “Hello from Web-Spidy!” from your Plivo phone number to the recipient phone number.

Sending SMS with Fast2SMS

Fast2SMS is an Indian SMS service provider that offers APIs for sending text messages. To send an SMS using Fast2SMS in Python, follow the following  simple steps:

  1. Sign up for a Fast2SMS account and get your API key.
  2. Install the fast2sms library using this command ‘pip install fast2sms’.
  3. Use the following code to send an SMS in Python:
					import fast2sms 
sender = fast2sms.Fast2SMS('Your_API_Key') 
response = sender.send_sms({ 'message': 'Hello Web-Spidy!', 'language': 'english', 'route': 'p', 'numbers': [' Recipient_Number'] }) 


Replace ‘Your_API_Key’ and ‘Recipient_Number’ with the appropriate values. This code sends a text message the “Hello Web-Spidy!” to the recipient phone number using the Fast2SMS API.

Sending SMS with Textlocal

Textlocal is a messaging service provider that allows you sending SMS through their platform. To send an SMS using Textlocal in Python, follow these simple steps:

  1. Sign up for a Textlocal account and get your API key.
  2. Install the textlocal library using the command ‘pip install textlocal’.
  3. Use the following code to send an SMS by using Python:
					from textlocal.sms import Sms 
client = Sms('API-Key') response = client.send_message({ 'numbers': ['RECIPIENT_NUMBER'], 'message': 'Hello from Python!' }) 


Replapce these values ‘API-KEY’ and ‘RECIPIENT_NUMBER’ with the appropriate values. The code sends a text message the “Hello from Python!” to the recipient number using the Textlocal API by using Python.

Sending SMS with SNS (Amazon Simple Notification Service)

If You are amazon user and using Amazon Web Services (AWS), you can use the SNS (Simple Notification Service) to send text msgs. Follow the following simple steps to send text msg by using SNS in Python:

  1. Set up AWS credentials on your system.
  2. Install the boto3 library using this command ‘pip install boto3’ in Python.
  3. Use the following code to send an SMS by using Python Language:
					import boto3 
client = boto3.client('sns') 
response = client.publish( PhoneNumber='RECIPIENT_NUMBER', Message='Hello Python!') 


Replace ‘RECIPIENT_NUMBER’ with the recipient’s number. This code send a text message with the content “Hello Python!” to the recipient number using the Amazon SNS service.

Sending SMS with GSM Modems

In addition to relying on external service providers and APIs, you can also use GSM modems to send SMS directly from your Python application. Follow these steps to send an SMS using a GSM modem in Python:

  1. First You need to Connect the GSM modem to computer and make sure that it is properly recognized it.
  2. Install the libraries, like pyserial, using this command ‘pip install pyserial’.
  3. Use this code to send an SMS:
					import serial
ser = serial.Serial('COM1', 9600, timeout=1) #Send AT commands to initialize the modem 
response = #Set the recipient phone number and message 
recipient = 'RECIPIENT_NUMBER'
message = 'Hello from Python!' # Send the SMS 
response = ser.write(b'AT+CMGS="' + recipient.encode() + b'"\r') 
response = 
ser.write(message.encode() + b'\r') 
response = ser.write(bytes([26])) 
response = ser.close() 


Replace ‘COM1’ with the appropriate serial port of your GSM modem, and ‘RECIPIENT_NUMBER’ with the recipient’s number. This code establishes a connection with the GSM modem, initializes it using AT commands, and sends the SMS with the specified message to the recipient.

Sending SMS with GSM Modem Emulators

If you don’t have to access to a physical GSM modem, you can still simulate SMS sending using GSM modem emulators. These emulators create a virtual GSM modem that can be controlled by using software. One popular emulator is the “GSM Modem Emulator (gmoc)”. To send a text msg using a GSM modem emulator in Python, follow the following simple steps:

  1. To Install the gmoc package by following the instructions which is provided in the documentation.
  2. You can Use the following code to send an SMS:
					import gmoc 
modem = gmoc.GMoc() # Set the recipient phone number and message
recipient = 'RECIPIENT_NUMBER'
message = 'Hello from Python!' #Send the text sms
modem.send_sms(recipient, message) 


Replace these values ‘RECIPIENT_NUMBER’ with the recipient’s number. This code connects to the GSM modem emulator, and using the send_sms() function, sends the SMS with the specified message to the recipient number.


In conclusion, Python provides various methods for sending text messages, including utilizing SMS gateways, APIs, GSM modems, and emulators. Whether you choose an external service or work with hardware, Python’s flexibility allows for seamless integration of SMS functionality into your applications. With the ability to send SMS programmatically, you can automate communication, enhance user experiences, and streamline workflows.

I hope that you have learned how to send text messages by using Python, you can explore different options and choose the best method that best suits of your requirements. Incorporating SMS capabilities into your projects opens up new possibilities for communication and engagement.

Get started with Python and unlock the power of SMS communication today!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  1. Can Python send SMS without an external service?
  • No, Python requires the assistance of SMS gateways or GSM modems to send SMS messages.
  1. Are there any limitations to sending SMS using Python?
  • The limitations depend on the chosen SMS service provider or GSM modem. They may impose restrictions on the number of messages, characters per message, or frequency of sending.
  1. Is it possible to send bulk SMS with Python?
  • Yes, it is possible to send bulk SMS with Python. Most SMS service providers and APIs offer bulk messaging capabilities, allowing you to send messages to multiple recipients simultaneously.
  1. Are there any costs associated with sending SMS using Python?
  • Yes, there may be costs associated with sending SMS messages. External service providers often charge fees for message credits or have subscription plans. GSM modems require a SIM card with an active SMS plan.
  1. Can I receive SMS using Python?
  • Yes, Python can also be used to receive SMS messages. Some service providers and APIs offer functionalities for receiving and processing incoming SMS.

Thank you for reading our post on sending text messages by using Python Programming Language. If you have another question in your mind, You can feel free to reach out! We ‘ll reply you as soon as possible.